Daily Fitness Challenge: Can you do flutter kicks for more than a minute?

Two people working out on the floor - just their legs showing


This exercise is all about small, controlled movements and making sure that your form is perfect throughout. See if you can keep going for a minute or more.


Throughout this Staying Active summer series, fitness experts Elia and Amanda – both qualified instructors at Flykick – will be on hand to show you how to do each challenge and give you their top tips.


Our daily challenges are perfect to try at home, at the gym or in the park. They are designed to get you moving every day.


Check back every day to see what the next challenge is – you could even film your progress to make a record of how far you’ve come.


The aim is to be active every day for six weeks over summer. Today’s challenge will test different muscle groups and help to improve your muscle performance.


These daily challenges can be done on their own, or you can include them in larger workout – it’s totally up to you. As long as you’re moving, that’s what matters.



Two people working out on the floor - just their legs showing



We know doing the same fitness routine every week can get really tedious, trying a new challenge every day will keep your fitness fresh and fun – and you might even learn some new moves.


How to do flutter kicks


Start lying down on your back. Place both your hands underneath your bum for extra support in your lower back.


Keep your lower back on the ground as you lift the right leg off the ground, slightly past hip height, then lift the left leg so it hovers a few inches off the floor.


Hold for a second, then switch the position of the legs, making a flutter kick motion.


For more of a challenge, lift your head and neck off the floor.


Repeat this motion for a minute if you can.

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